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Gaelic Language Poker Software
The Gaelic language is part of the Goidelic language group. The Goidelic language group includes Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx. The Gaelic languages were popular during the 11th century through the 18 century. Specific Gaelic dialects did not begin to surface until the 15th and 16th century. The Goidelic languages are still alive today and span roughly one million native speakers mostly from Ireland and Scotland.
Best Gaelic Poker Sites
Of the three Goidelic languages, Irish and Scottish Gaelic are the two most popular. Ireland still retains Irish as one of its official languages while Scottish Gaelic remains a common language spoken in the North and West parts of Scotland.
Gaelic Language Online Poker Sites
There are currently no poker sites that offer their services in Gaelic. Ireland’s own premier poker site Paddy Power does not offer an Irish Gaelic specific service. The lack of any true Gaelic friendly poker site is largely due to its minor modern relevance compared to English. All online poker sites with an adjustable language option will offer English as the closest language to Gaelic. Because Gaelic speakers generally also know English, it is still relatively easy to find a valid poker site. Gaelic speakers will be able to select from any online poker site since nearly all of them use English as their primary language.
Gaelic Friendly Deposit Methods
Gaelic is not identified as a language option for any major deposit method. The use of Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx are vastly overshadowed by the prevalence of English. Native Gaelic members will be able to select from any financial institution that offers its services to the UK. Every major deposit method offers English compatible service so Gaelic speakers will have their choice of popular electronic wallet, electronic check, pre-paid card and bank transfer methods.
For more information visit our Gaelic Poker Online guide to depositing at real money poker sites.