Five Basic Heads Up Poker Tips

When playing heads up poker, the style of a players poker playing needs to become adapted from the usual multi player style. Heads up playing offers a fast paced, exciting variation on the traditional multi player format.

To help you become more a successful heads up player, here are the top 5 hot tips for increasing your chances.

1. Follow Standard Bankroll Requirements

Many big losers within online poker are players who try to play above their ability and bankroll. Playing above your ability will leave you facing players who will only take moments to make plays that cause you to make actions that will ultimately end in you losing your funds to them.

Playing a stake that is too high for the bankroll that you have provided into the site will mean that you will have a reduced game number for your funding, with tournaments or ring games that cost less to play offering you more games for your money and reducing possible losses per game. You might take longer to make your poker winnings into the millions but it will reduce your losses in the mean time.

2. Use Position Wisely When Playing Heads Up

One of the most important factors in how a player should play their poker comes down to what position that they act in. Playing in the wrong way, in the wrong position has cost players millions in losses or places within tournaments.

The best position to act from is thought to be as late in the action as possible, giving you the opportunity to see how the other player at the table is intending to play their hand, allowing you to alter your game play as required.

When playing heads up poker, the dealer button is passed from player to player faster than any other game, leaving you to act last half of the time that you are playing. This means that learning how to use this to your advantage is extremely important as perfecting this will win you a huge amount of games, funds or tournaments.

3. Note The Aggresion Level Of Your Opponent

When playing heads up poker there are only two players who have the ability to play the game. Playing with two players and a full deck of playing cards reduces the chances of your opponent hitting a strong starter hand.

Playing aggressive when in heads up action means that you are giving your opponent the opportunity to fold. While you are folding or calling from the small blind, your opponent is not offered the chance to fold. Give them that opportunity and it makes their check decision into a much more complex one as they then have to call your aggressive raise or fold the hand.

4. Adapt To Your Heads Up Opponent

A good poker player needs to learn to have the flexibility to be able to convert their poker strategy within the space of a minute. To become a successful poker player you have to be able to counter the playing style of your opponent, when you master the art of been able to do this you will be able tomanipulate your opponent.

Another factor to consider when trying to adapt is that if the player is calling a large number of bets that you make, leaving you hitting nothing and having to fold then reducing the bet size is a must. If you were to increase your betting stance then they are still likely to call and will only result in you losing additional chips or funds.

5. Be Prepared To Fold Top Pair And High Pocket Pairs

With heads up play been so fiercely contested, some poker players allow the situation to cloud their judgement. A reduced chance of a player hitting a strong pre flop hand does not mean that they will never do so. So learning to read a player will give you an indication of their hand they are holding, if you were to get the feeling or a read on a player and you believe that your hand is beaten, fold.

Learning to fold will help to reduce your losses. When a player is able to master the 5 tips that have been documented above, their chances of success are increased as only when they have these poker strategies mastered do they have a good understanding of the game.